Health Food

Refers to food containing all the nutrients that are beneficial to the human body and health, and the most important nutrients that must be contained in the food...

1-protein:The body can produce some amino acids.The amino acids that the body cannot produce are known as essential amino acids. We cannot find all essential amino acid in one special source. For example, Soybean and Quinoa contain all the essential amino acids. Yeh, while to reach all these essential amino acid, you must combine red beans or lentils with rice, or peanut butter with whole bread to get full protein.

The most important sources of protein include the following:
  • Eggs: Eggs are rich in nutrients. It contains vitamins, minerals, healthy fats and antioxidants.It is worth mentioning that a high percentage of protein is concentrated in egg whites and consists of a large egg of 6 grams of protein, in addition to 78 calories.
  • Chicken breast: Chicken breast is one of the most protein-rich foods, which has a delicious taste, in addition to easy cooking, and most calories in chicken breast come from protein. Grilled chicken breast without skin contains 53 grams of protein , and 284 calories.
  • Milk: Milk is a highly nutritious source. It is rich in calcium, phosphorus and riboflavin. It also provides the body with high-quality protein and contains most of the nutrients needed by the body. It is worth noting that one cup of whole milk contains 8 grams of protein and 149 calories.
  • cheese: one of the types of cheese is very low in fat and calories, as it is a rich source of calcium, phosphorus, selenium, vitamin B12 and riboflavin (B2). Each 226 grams of cheese contains 27 grams of protein and 149 calories. There are other types High-protein cheese, such as parmesan, mozzarella, swiss cheese and cheddar cheese, but has a higher fat and calorie content than cottage cheese.
  • Beef: Beef contains high amounts of protein, and is characterized by containing iron, vitamin B12, and many other nutrients. 85 grams of beef cooked with 10% oil contains 22 grams of protein, and 184 calories.

  • Fish: Fish of all kinds are among the most healthy foods; it is a rich source of healthy fatty acids (such as omega-3), and it is a rich source of protein, but it varies depending on its type. Where 85 grams of salmon contains 19 grams of protein, and 175 calories.
  • Shrimp: a very low-calorie seafood, it is rich in a range of nutrients, including selenium, vitamin B12 and omega-3. Where 85 grams of shrimp contains 18 grams of protein and 84 calories.

The benefits of protein:Proteins play a key role in biological processes, and their functions vary greatly by type. Protein benefits and key functions include:
  • Repair old cells and build new cells.
  • The formation of hormones, such as insulin.
  • Manufacture of enzymes, such as amylase.
  • Important during growth and development for children, youth, and pregnant women.
  • Helping lose weight by boosting metabolic rate and reducing appetite. Proteins give a feeling of fullness more than fat and carbohydrates.
   The body needs protein: Protein differs from fats and carbohydrates in that the body does not have enough stocks to use when needed, so the body does not store it. Eat moderate amounts of protein that provide the body with its needs.This amount is affected by a range of factors, including the level of physical activity, age, muscle mass and health status. The amount of protein depends on human weight. The recommended daily amount of protein is 0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight.

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